About Our Team

Team Members

Our team consists of three members. Learn more about us below:

Ian Cappellani (Developer)

Ian is a full-stack developer with experience working on agile software teams. He’s passionate about web accessibility and has created courses on the topic for Learning Lions, a non-profit that provides IT skills to youth in Kenya. As a fellow at the CER, he’s looking forward to using his skills to help more — and more diverse — voices be included in the national energy conversation.

Malik Jumani (Product Manager)

Malik has been a product manager and consultant for a number of digital companies and startups, and is also the co-founder of Dextra Innovations, a not-for-profit that develops prostheses for refugees. He’s excited to work at the scale of government, and wants to help the CER connect with stakeholders, so they can make better decisions about energy projects and the environment.

Gillian Wu (UX Designer)

Gillian has worked in design and UX across startups, enterprise firms and agencies. She loves mentoring new designers and also volunteers with UnitedWomxn, a platform that amplifies the voices of youth and womxn in the Greater Toronto Area. As a fellow at the CER, she’s excited to use her design experience to make a positive impact for Canadians, and to help modernize existing processes within government.

Our Guiding Principles

We came up with the following principles to help guide our work:

Continuous improvement

Open communication

Self-awareness and independence

Empathy for all

Designing for sustainability and continuation

Digital first, not digital only (thank you CER cohort 3 team for this principle)

Transparency in work

Respect by default