Project Update 2

As we continue through our Discovery period, we had the opportunity to present a status update to our stakeholders at our December Project Panel meeting.

What We’ve Been Up To: User Research

  • Plan approved by internal stakeholders
  • Recruitment messages executed
  • 100% scoring interviews completed
  • Scoring field study completed
  • Scheduled 9 Current managers (450% over goal)
  • Scheduled 3 current manager field studies (150% over goal)
  • Scheduled 75% prospective manager interviews


  • December 17th: Received hardware for development team
  • December 18th: Final technical stack approval by CIO
  • We’ve begun building our local “skeleton” application using Docker:
    • Partial local implementation with Docker (December 21st)
    • Currently working with Middleware to configure PostgreSQL

What We’re Currently Working On

  • Finalizing schedule for field studies and interviews with Current and Prospective Managers
  • Finalizing local Docker setup
  • Creating build books and developer training

What’s Coming Up in January?

  • Complete Current Manager field studies in National Capital Region, Montréal, and Kingston
  • Complete all TA interviews
  • Complete a TA field study at the PSC
  • Work with Middleware to setup/deploy to a dev server
  • Our next Project Panel is on January 30th
  • Fellows will be intermittently out of the office for user research interviews throughout January.
Written on December 17, 2018, by Siobhan Özege