This dashboard shows progress on the Ceres alpha development project. It will continue to update itself as we work.
Overall Progress (Weighted)
Project progress weighted by estimated story size. Legend in chart.
Progress by Feature Set (Weighted)
Progress per feature set weighted by estimated story size. Legend in chart.
Stories Completed by Sprint (Weighted)
Each week, count of completed stories, weighted by estimated story size. Larger stories make up larger part of the chart.
Estimated Progress vs Actual Progress
Tracking actual progress vs estimated progress. If the actual progress line is above the ideal progress line, we're ahead of schedule. If it is beneath, we're behind schedule.
Governance Evaluation
Overall Evaluation
Every sprint, the Core Team evaluates the work done and issues scores based on this. Here's the average scoring per sprint.
Specific Evaluation
Every sprint, the Core Team evaluates the work done and issues scores based on this. Here's the detailed scoring per sprint. Criteria assessed are:
- Progress of Primary Objective
- Progress of Secondary Objective
- Progress of Project Objectives
- Value Added to End-users
- Value Added to Stakeholders
- Quality of Work